
Sifu Nelson Chan 陳就祥師傅 (Shifu Chen Jiuxiang 成就吉祥 achieve prosperous): Founder
of Christian Wushu Fellowship(神武Godly Martial Art), and an evangelical Christian. He
is the Vice President of the Canadian Chinese KuoShu Federation,
the Communications Official of the Canadian Martial Arts Games Committee
(CMGC) and is actively involved in promoting Chinese martial arts
. Sifu Chan was taught the
Chinese Martial Art of Wing Chun 詠春拳 by Sifu Moy Yat 梅逸師父, who is a direct student
of Grand Master Yip Man 葉問師公. Sifu Chan 陳師傅has been teaching Wing Chun since 1972 in Canada.
Sifu Chan is also the Marketing Director of the Yat San Chinese
School 日新中文學校 (www.yatsan.org/).

Shifu Ting Seng Hung 洪鼎生師傅: Student
of the famous Sifu Meng Lai Sing 萬籟聲師傅 and Sifu Ging Cheong
Boa 金祥宝師傅of China. He was the Gold
Medalist of the 1998 U.S. National Kung Fu competition. Sifu Hung
specializes in Six Harmony 六合門 and
North Shaolin styles 北少林. Sifu Hung was featured on
the cover of Classical Fighting Arts Magazine #1.

Shifu Rui Qi Liu 劉瑞啟啟師傅: Graduated
with a Bachelor degree from Beijing Physical Education University
specialized in Wushu Faculty. Taught at
Capital University
of Medical Science. Sifu Liu specializes in TongBei 通臂, XingYi 形意, BaQua八卦, Chen’s
TaiJi 陳家太極, Modern Wushu
is now the key instructor devoted his knowledge to train Chinese
Martial Artist in Chinese
Christian Churches
Praise the Lord Jesus 感謝神。

Sifu John Lee 李仲安師傅: President
of the Wing Kwong Push Hand Association 榮光推手學會 and the founder of CTF
(Canadian Taichi Federation) 加拿大太極總會. Sifu Lee was the 1996
Silver Medalist of the World Heavy Weight Push Hand competition
which was held in
Sifu Lee specializes in Wu's Tai Chi (Taiji)
吳式太極拳 and push hands.

Sifu Francis Leung 梁樹仁師傅: A retired
Taiji Master from Hong Kong. Sifu Leung specializes in Tai
Chi (Taiji) and Kung fu Fan. This Master is actively promoting
good health practices to seniors in our community, both in Hongkong
& Canada.

Shifu Richard
Luo 羅榮富師傅, Ph.D, P.Eng: Certified Chinese
National Wushu/Kungfu Judge, former member of Sichuan Provincial
Wushu Team四川省武術隊, Shanghai Jiaotong
University Wushu Team上海交通大學武術隊, and East China
University of Science and Technology Wushu Team華東理工大學武術隊, has won numerous
championships in both international and Chinese national competitions
in the areas of Sanshou散手, Wrestling摔跤, and Forms套路, specializes
in: Contemporary Wushu新武術, Taiji太極, Ba-ji八極, Fan-zi翻子, Xing-yi形意, Ba-Guan-Zhang八卦掌, and Shaolin少林. Shifu Luo is the head instructor at the CWF Mississauga Branch.

Sifu Chuck O'Neill (Chan Cheuk Yiu 陳卓耀師傅): is a CanFit Pro
Certified Personal Trainer and Wing Chun Sifu. Over his 14+ years of experience in martial arts he
has had formal martial arts training in Judo, Tae Kwon Do, Kosho
Ryu Kenpo Karate and is a former Certified Jeet Kune Do Instructor. He also has had training in elements of Western
Boxing, grappling, Tai Chi,
and Wushu.
Chuck has been training Wing Chun under the guidance of
Master Chan since 1999 and is now a senior student and instructor
in Wing Chun at Christian
Wushu Fellowship.
In 2004, he received a silver medal in the CCKSF 'Close
Range Sparring' men’s division.
In September 2006, with Sifu Nelson Chan's encouragement,
Chuck started teaching Ving Tsun in the GTA and Kitchener/Waterloo
area and was certified as a Wing Chun Sifu under Sifu Nelson Chan.
Chuck has also created a training video series for Wing Chun available online for download or at Amazon.com |
Sifu Enoch Chan:
Enoch Chan was born and raised in Toronto, Canada and
was introduced to Chinese martial arts at an early age. He was first
introduced to Chinese martial arts by his father, Ving Tsun (Wing
Chun) Master Sifu Nelson Chan ( www.iWingchun.ca),
(Yip Man - Moy Yat Lineage). At the age of six, Enoch began training
in the Six Harmony and Northern Shaolin styles of kung fu under
Shifu Hung Ting-Seng, who was a student of renowned masters - Shifu
Meng Lai Sing and Shifu Ging Cheong Boa of China.
After building a strong
foundation, Enoch began competing at the age of eight and established
an impressive tournament record over the years. He has trained under
Shifu Liu Rui-Qi in Contemporary Wushu, Tong Bei, Xing Yi, and Chen
style Tai Chi.
Enoch also teaches Chinese
Lion Dance which he learned from Master Jimmy Chan, who was taught
by Grand Master Luk Chi Fu in Hong Kong and has established an active
lion dance troupe in Toronto.
Enoch has been teaching
Chinese martial arts since 2003 at the Christian Wushu Fellowship
( www.christian.wushu.com )and also devoting his knowledge to training
martial artists in Chinese Christian churches in Toronto, Canada.
Enoch currently studying at Tyndale University, Toronto, Ontario,
Past Tournaments:
1996 - 8th annual
(CCKSF) Canadian Chinese Kuo Shu (martial arts) Federation (Ming
Pao cup) - staff (gold)
1997 -
Edmonton Canadian National wushu competition - staff (gold) and
hand form (silver)
1998 -
2nd pan American traditional kung fu championships Toronto - staff
(gold) and hand form (silver)
1999 -
Canadian martial arts games ( www.cmgc.ca )championships - gold
x3 - hand, staff, straight sword
2000 -
12th annual CCKSF ( www.wushu.ca ) - gold x3 hand, staff, straight

Billy Pang: Pastoral Advisor
Pastor Billy Pang: Executive Director of Chinese Gospel Broadcasting Centre of Canada, School Board Trustee (Markham Wards 2, 3 & 6)
Hong Kong Overseas Bible Seminary Graduate, 1985. Master of Divinity, Ontario Theological Seminary, 1996.
Served as pastor of several churches in Hong Kong. Served in Evangelism Explosion (H.K.), Scripture Union of Hong Kong, Christian Communications International (H.K.). Served as part time pastor of Markham Chinese Presbyterian Church and Toronto Jaffary Alliance Church.
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