CWF has always participated in many community affairs and is often invited to meaningful events for performances. This not only gives our students a chance for exposure, it is also a good way of preserving Chinese Martial Arts. CWF provides performances in Wushu, Wing Chun, Tai Chi, Lion & Dragon Dancing. Should you be interested in having our CWF demonstation team come to your event please contact Sifu Nelson Chan for further details. Contact information is available on our contact page.
Some of the Events that we have participated in are:
Special Summer Teaching Programs at Churches
VBS at Grace Chinese Gospel Church (GCGC)
Scarborough Chinese Alliance Church (SCAC)
New Covenant Alliance Church (NCAC)
Special Events
Hidden Tiger, Fierce Dragon
Hunger Hike 2001 (World Relief Canada)
Chinese Cultural Events (Toronto)
Chinese Cultural Events (Ottawa)
Opening ceremonies of the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police Conference